Sunday, May 4, 2014

My boys at work forced me to start this blog.  I'm sure they're hoping I'll just post on this blog instead of disrupting their day, making them stop what they're doing to watch the latest video or see the latest picture I've come across.  Sorry boys, not gonna happen!
I first became obsessed/intrigued with sinkholes when I saw the following image about a sinkhole in Guatemala in 2007.  It's approximately 60 feet wide and 300 feet deep and swallowed 15 people, a 3 story building, cars, telephone poles and everything else in it's vicinity.

My niece and I have a running tongue-in-cheek prediction about the end of the world coming. Every earthquake, tsunami, and "Florida man eating the face off a homeless man" story, we take as a sign that the end is near. For some reason, to me, a sinkhole is the most terrifying. I don't know why. The thought of doing something as simple as playing golf and suddenly you are in the ground from a sinkhole freaks me out!,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNETlof2OOC51E2lhEWXMfjeSC_aBA&ust=1399339295266294

Or knowing that the ground can open up under your bedroom with no warning....Stay out of Florida!!!


  1. Sometimes the earth just opens up and gobbles up all the filth in the world. It does make you wonder though, why then was the hole in Guatemala only 300 ft deep and a mere 60 ft across?
